
  • LKK洛可可设计集团创始人、董事长;中国原创设计品牌[SANSA上上]创始人、创意总监;北京大学文化产业研究院副研究员;尤伦斯当代艺术中心设计委员会主席;《职来职往》达人评委;上海建桥学院国际设计学院顾问教授。秉承“创意是水”“温和力量”的理念,将东方艺术、文化、音乐等元素融于禅悟生活的创意设计中,汲取中华之灵气,领悟中国禅悟生活,形成代表中国未来文化传承的创新设计风格。一直用设计诠释创新、用思想引领趋势、用创意诗化生活,以工笔思想、诗化创意引领中国乃至世界的禅悟生活设计的设计人。他所带领的团队已经成为国内首家囊括“红点”、“iF”、“IDEA”“红星”等四项国际顶级设计奖项的行业翘楚。最具影响的“高山流水”香台,被誉为“成诗入画”之作。更有媒体将贾伟评价为,“行走在点线面之间的‘设计诗人’”。



    Tomas Diez is currently Project Manager of the Digital Fabrication Laboratory “Fablab Barcelona”, located at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) in Barcelona, Spain. He holds a Bachelor in Urban Planning and Sociology and a Master in Advanced Architecture. He also holds a diploma on Digital Fabrication, offered by the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, and he operates as the Fab Academy program coordinator.Tomas has participated in several international projects, such as the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010. He operates as program coordinator of Fab Academy and co-director of the program ‘FabLabs and Informalism’, an international research program that pursues the relation between the personal fabrication and the immediate production of reality. Tomas especially investigates the use of digital fabrication tools to transform reality, and the search for a more fluid language between machines and humans.

    Owner of Slaatto Design

    Dr. Jeffery’s list of international clients includes Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, Procter and Gamble, Tesco, Huawei, Syngenta, Hyundai, Lego, Deloitte, Qualcomm, Disney, AT&T, Unilever, and others in the private and government sectors. Dr. Jeffery has nearly thirty years of experience living in, working in, and researching mainland China. Fluent in Mandarin, she leads IFTF’s work in China. She holds a BA in Chinese Studies and a PhD in anthropology from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

    Research lead of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) team at Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), Baidu Research


    Project Director and General Partner of HAXLR8R, world's largest hardware accelerators company



    Tomas Diez Ladera


    Carlos Hinrichsen教授是一位著名设计师兼学者,拥有日本东京理工大学工程硕士学位。他在智利天主教多克大学和国外教育机构主导一系列创新教育项目。20多年来,Hinrichsen教授与一些策略性项目有过系统化合作,这些项目包括与菲亚特、比亚乔等国际著名公司在工程,设计与技术上的紧密合作。2007年,作为国际工业设计协会前主席的他担任了拉丁美洲设计总监一职,他被公认为该职位的首选人物。Hinrichsen教授被芬兰授予狮骑士团指挥官勋章以表彰他为智利和芬兰两国创新事业和设计学习发展所做出的杰出贡献,以及他为国际设计创新发展所做出的努力。


    北欧著名设计品牌Rosendahl 欧森丹尔明星设计师Maria Berntsen


    Managing Partner of Holscher Design


    著名工业设计师,YANG DESIGN及YDC创始人

    Professor Soon-In Lee graduated from the Hong-Ik University in Seoul with a BA in Industrial Design in 1972 and received an MA in Interior Design in 1978. He completed his studies at Pratt Institute, New York, and the Domus Academy, Milan. In addition, he graduated from Helsinki University with an MBA in Design Management in 2001.In 1990, Soon-In Lee became president of the LG Europe Design Center in Dublin, and in 1995 director of the LG Electronics Corporate Design Center in Seoul.During the same year he became Executive Managing Director of the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP). Today he is the Dean of International Design school for Advanced Studies at the Hong-Ik University and President of the Seoul Design Center, was elected president of elect of International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) at the 26th general assembly for 2009-2011 periods.


    Jamy Yang is one of the few Shanghai-based industrial designers who has achieved international recognition. He received master degree of industrial design from Germany with full scholarship of WK Foundation, after 7-year study in Zhejiang University and China Academy of Art. He went on to design products for Siemens at their headquarters in Munich, and on returning to China, he founded YANG DESIGN and YDC. He has won more than 60 local and international design awards including 5 Red Dot, iF, G-mark, IDEA and DFA Silver. His product designs are being included in renowned design exhibitions and museums worldwide. Jamy dedicates to developing leading professional strategy and innovative consultancy in product and urban design in China. In 2013, Jamy’s industrial design museum was completed as the first Chinese private one of its kind, where thousands of his vintage industrial product collections and innovative designs exhibit to reveal the clue of past, modern and future industrial design history.



    World-renowned Architect and Industrial Designer


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